Total attention, total recall

Give your full focus to the session, let our AI handle the notes

Capture key insights, action points,
and patterns automatically

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First 5 sessions for free

Empowering you to focus on what matters the most in your 1:1 sessions - staying present!

For Professionals

Saved time by Reduced Admin: Streamline follow-ups and prep for next sessions.

Organized Summaries: Search through past sessions to maintain continuity.

Client Insights: Add value for clients and deepen engagement.

For Individuals

Progress Tracking: Keep an organized record of your development.

Observer Perspective: See your sessions from an external viewpoint.

Reflective Space: Reflect on your progress and visualize growth.

Uninterrupted focus

Fully engage in the discussion without the distraction of note-taking, as Helio captures every detail. Add your own notes and highlights afterward.

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Saved Time & Energy

Helio reduces the time and effort needed to create summaries, follow up on action items, and review past sessions, freeing you to focus on more meaningful work.

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All in One Place

Avoid the hassle of searching for notes, recalling details, checking summaries, and connecting dots from different sessions.

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How it works

Step 1: Capture Any Session

  • Connect: Link your Zoom / Hangouts / Meet Teams account, or directly upload audio files.

Step 2: Automatic Note Creation

  • AI Processing: AI extracts a full transcript, and automatically creates summaries, action points, and key insights.

Step 3: Organize & Edit

  • Structure Notes: Organize session notes by individual. Highlight, edit, or add personal annotations.

  • Search & Store: Keep all session notes in one place, searchable for ease of access.

Step 4: Follow Up & Reflect

  • Share & Communicate: Share notes with session participants or others. Send follow-up emails directly.

  • Reflect & Inquire: Revisit notes anytime, and use Helio AI for additional help and insights.

Privacy policy

secure and confidential: your trust, our priority

We understand the importance of maintaining the confidentiality and security of the information shared during personal growth and development sessions. Our commitment to your privacy is unwavering, and we've implemented robust measures to ensure the highest levels of data protection.

Data encryption and secure communication

All data and communications through Helio are securely encrypted.

Protected storage and access control

Your data is protected in storage with strict access control measures.

Client consent and privacy

We prioritize explicit client consent in all operations.


Helio has transformed how I manage sessions. It's like having an assistant who never misses a detail, allowing me to focus completely on my clients.

James Li
Life Coach

Helio helps me track my progress over time and reflect on my growth. It's like having a personal development diary that's both secure and insightful.

Michael Thompson
Personal Development Enthusiast

With Helio, I can revisit any session instantly. The security and organization it provides are unmatched, truly a game-changer for my practice.

Dr. Anita Desai

Helio is invaluable for someone like me who works with various professional guides—coaches, therapists, and mentors. It helps me connect the dots between different sessions, allowing me to see the bigger picture of my personal development.

Alex Hart
Freelance consultant

Helio's automatic note-taking and summarization save me hours every week. It lets me concentrate on what I do best—helping my clients achieve their health goals.

Emily Chen

With Helio, I don't have to worry about taking notes during my sessions. I can fully immerse myself in the conversation, knowing everything is captured and neatly organized for later review.

Laura Kim
Therapy Client


Totally free first 5 sessions, no time limit

Up to 10 sessions/month
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Up to 35 sessions/month
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Up to 55 sessions/month
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Up to 115 sessions/month
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Schedule a 20 mins personalized onboarding call and ask any questions you may have

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